Monday, June 24, 2013

The BAA 10K - I Almost Didn't Go - Run Boston Strong

As I went to bed Saturday, I had this feeling come over me that I just couldn't stand at the finish line waiting for Tom and Ruth Anne to run the 3rd annual BAA 10K. I had done the #onerun after letting Tom know that I was afraid to do it and he said that's why we must but this felt different. I wouldn't be moving. I would be waiting for them at the finish line.

Tom and Ruth Anne were wonderful - so loving and supportive and they said it was no big deal. They would run it together. I had this feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach that just wouldn't quit so I meditated and sent out love and light and safety to all who were running. I remembered Tom Myers reminding us that courage is when you feel afraid and do it anyway but in my gut I just couldn't imagine myself at the finish line of the first BAA event since the Boston Marathon bombings.

I woke up at 4 am to the sound of the birds. I felt tired and said to myself that I needed to sleep in and rest and I'd meet up with them after they ran the race but at 6:11, I woke up wide awake. I asked them what time they were leaving. I left the house a mess - beds unmade, dishes in the sink and stuff everywhere. I had never gone out the door in 30 minutes in my life. I had breakfast, ran a comb through my hair, brushed my teeth and made sure everyone had everything they needed throwing it into a little running backpack.

We parked in Copley Square unsure of the street closures. Ruth Anne had a chance to visit the Memorial which she hadn't seen before and we had time to talk about Marathon Monday. We got to the start of the race

and I set up "camp". Tom and Ruth Anne went to get their shirts and explore the festivities/activities on the Common. I was feeling a little nervous that there wasn't a strong security presence at the start/finish line. I remembered at the #onerun there were bomb sniffing dogs. But this time, there were comfort dogs on the Common.

I took a few photos of the start and to see a really great photo of Tom and Ruth Anne at the start, visit

There was a beautiful opening ceremony acknowledging and honoring the events of Marathon Monday with an emphasis on Boston Stands As One and Boston Strong. When I was waiting for Tom during the 2011 Boston Marathon and during the first two BAA 10K's, I enjoyed listening to the distinctive voice of the BAA Announcer, Tom Grilk. He is always entertaining filled with fun facts and giving us updates from "the field" of who is in the lead and whether or not it is a close race.

He was a man of grace yesterday talking about Boston Strong. He announced several times that there were people from the Public Health Commission from the City of Boston on the Common along with the comfort dogs. He encouraged anyone who feels they would like to talk with someone to do so or just sit and be with the comfort dogs. He shared with the spectators that he was helped tremendously by counseling. He was at the finish line and witnessed the scene of Marathon Monday but rather than focusing on the carnage and devastation, he talked about resiliency. He played Kelly Clarkson's song "What Doesn't Kill You" and the song Run Boston Strong posted above emphasizing the theme of strength in the City and strength as individuals. He also played Martha and the Vandellas Heat Wave and a variety of uplifting and inspiring songs. He commented as the runners waited their turn in the wave starts, that we ARE Boston strong going out and doing what we always do not letting anyone stop us.

I almost let fear stop me but in the end, I joined my heart and my presence as a spectator with thousands of runners who ran Boston Strong in the 3rd BAA 10K and was there to see Tom and Ruth Anne cross the finish line!

Stronger Than Fear from Songs of Freedom:Poems From a Healing Odyssey Volume II:Seasons of the Soul available on Amazon along with Volume I:Elements of Healing

Happiness and freedom
mine to claim or throw away….

People that surround
try to shake me off center
robbing me of happiness and freedom
but only I am the thief.

Basic human rights violated
yet I am stronger than my fear
strong enough to finally feel
memories well up within me
no longer clutching
preying on me
I become the predator of the past.

Feet firmly grounded
energy rising from sacred ground
Divine love and goodness course through me
innocence of a newborn baby
love and trust pulse through me
returning me to a time and place
of Oneness with all that is.

let go
their venom poisoned me against myself
I am stronger than my fear
I forgive
love and compassion
healing balm
soothes and comforts

knits together what was once torn asunder
by unknowing slumbering souls.

From my heart to yours
With total love and deepest gratitude,


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